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1897 ~ 1899

The following articles have been sourced from the 'The Market Harborough Advertiser'. They are now available on microfiche in the Market Harborough Library.

May 11th 1897

A new town band has been started, some twenty musicians having joined. Their headquarters is the Liberal Club.

September 7th 1897

The Town Band gave a concert in the Square on Saturday evening, when the following programme was very well rendered under the conductorship of Mr W. Ladkin: March 'Collingwood'; Overture 'Passage of the Douro'; Cornet Solo; Selection 'Steadfast and True'; Euphonium Solo; March 'Duke of York'; Cornet Solo; Fantasia 'Excelsior'; Valse 'Queen of the Faries'. A collection was taken at the close in aid of the instrument fund.

February 15th 1898

A Band Supper took place on Thirsday evening at the Liberal Club. Mr J.G. Lovett presided, and there was a very good attendance. A repast was served by the manager and manageress (Mr and Mrs Preston). Afterwards the band commenced the harmony of the evening with a selection from 'Patience', which under the conductorship of Mr Ladkin, they performed in a very creditable manner. Mr Lovett the proposed 'Prosperity to the Town Band'. He hoped that harmony would prevail in the band, and that it would lead to further successes. Mr Ladkin, in response, said the public generally had assisted them in a way that far exceeded their expectations, and that the band were highly gratified by the fact.

May 24th 1898

The members of the band were to have met Desboro' Band at cricket on Saturday, but the excessive rain of the previous night had rendered the ground in Barber's Meadow totally unfit to play on, and the two bands contented themselves with amalgamating and playing selections through the town in an admirable manner. The visitors in their new uniforms looked particularly smart.

May 31st 1898

The band paraded the town on Saturday afternoon, under the conductorship of Mr ladkin and collections were made on behalf of that deserving institution, the District Nurse fund.

September 27th 1898

The Town Band gave a capital selection of music in the Square on Saturday and made a collection. Their rendering of some of the pieces showed distinct improvement.

October 4th 1898

The Town Band visited Husbands Bosworth on Sunday, and played on the Green at 3 o'clock, afterwards proceeding to Lutterworth where in the Beast Market they performed under the direction of Mr E. Roberts.


  • March

  • Harborough Town Fantasia

  • In Memoriam

  • Cornet Solo

  • The Exile

  • Ave Maria

  • Adeste Fidelis

  • Anthem

  • We will Praise Thee

  • Selection

  • Steadfast and True

  • Chorus

  • The Starry Hosts

  • Hill's March

March 21st 1899

The Town Band volunteered to accompany the Football team to Kibworth on Saturday, and were granted leave by the Leicestershire Football Association to collect in aid of a fund to provide new uniforms. Leicestershire Junior Cup Semi-Final. The ground was at Kibworth & there was such a demand for tickets Midland Railway Co ran a special train. The Town Band, who were amongst the followers narrowly escaped being left behind, & had to be content with the accommodation provided by the guard's van.

June 27th 1899

The Harborough Town Band turned out on Saturday for the first time in their new uniforms and played selections through the town. They looked extremely smart and played very well indeed. Their practice has helped them to improve.

July 4th 1899

Advert for Town Band Sports

July 17th 1899

Feast Sunday was celebrated in Harborough yesterday. The Volunteer Band played selections in the High Street during the afternoon and another excellent concert was given by the Town Band in the evening. Large crowds listened to both bands and subscribed to their support.

August 1st 1899

Market Harborough Town Band Sports

August 29th 1899

It should have been mentioned in our report of the Cricket week that the Town Band played on Saturday aftgernoon and later for dancing, the music being very much enjoyed.

September 26th 1899

The members and Committee of the above Band wish to return their sincere thanks to all officials, donors of prizes and subscribers for the valuable assistance rendered on the occasion of their Second Annual Athletic Sports.

September 26th 1899

The Secretary of the Market Harborough Town Band has £5 0s 11d to hand over to Mrs Fisher as their result of their recent collection for the District Nurses Fund.

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