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Tony Lucas Sculptures
Pyewacket the Imp
Imps are similar to goblins in their fondness for playing practical jokes on people and tormenting mortals for their own amusement, they were also once believed to be the Familiars of haggard witches. This one should certainly get the attention of anyone who spots him.
My 2020 lock down sculpture of an impish character, and he is cast in Bronze resin filled with slate resin to give it weight.
Really happy with the way he turned out but with a 3-month lock-down, I had time to play around with his design.If you want the sculpture to be aged and patinated (no exra charge), please let me know.
Size: 9 x 5 x 2 inches (23 x 13 x 5 cm)
Uses: Designed to be used as a wall feature.
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