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We are a family of 4 churches, St Giles, Desborough, All Saints, Braybrooke, St Mary's, Brampton Ash and All Saints, Dingley.

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How to find it: The lovely, ancient church of All Saints, Dingley, is set in a quiet location in the village, near Dingley Hall. To find the church, walk or drive down Church Lane and near the bottom of the lane you will see a blue door set in a stone wall. Go through this door and walk along the path and you will come to the church. Everyone is welcome to our services.

Our services are held on the 4th Sunday of the month at 11.00am and we extend a very warm welcome to all.

Church Wardens: 

Jamie Robertson 01858 535573

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Anne Knight 01858 432576

Photo: Copyright Tony Lucas 2019




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© 2022 by Tony Lucas.                     All Gallery photos copyright Tony Lucas 2022

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