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Dingley Church ~ All Saints

We are a family of 4 churches, St Giles, Desborough, All Saints, Braybrooke, St Mary's, Brampton Ash and All Saints, Dingley.
Our services are held on the 4th Sunday of the month at 11.00am and we extend a very warm welcome to all.
How to find it: The lovely, ancient church of All Saints, Dingley, is set in a quiet location in the village, near Dingley Hall. To find the church, walk or drive down Church Lane and near the bottom of the lane you will see a blue door set in a stone wall. Go through this door and walk along the path and you will come to the church. Everyone is welcome to our services.
Church Wardens:
Jamie Robertson 01858 535573
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Anne Knight 01858 432576
Photo: Copyright Tony Lucas 2019

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